Cost of Inaction Calculator

How much do you spend on falls and sitters? Time to do something about it.

How Much Are You Spending?

Enter in your Average Daily Census to see how much you are spending on falls and sitters alone and the daily cost of inaction without a VidyoHealth solution.

VidyoHealth delivers “an evidence based solution that enhances patient and caregiver experience, lowers the cost of care, and can help deliver a fall rate of 1.1 per 1,000 AvaSure patient days – an 84% reduction from a typical high fall-risk patient population.”


Insert Your ADC Here

Total Costs



3.5% of ADC
*Please note calculations are determined by your average daily census and national statistical averages.
1 Spetz, J., Brown, DS., and Aydin, C., (2015) The economics of preventing hospital falls. The Journal of Nursing Administration. 45(1):50-57.
2 The Joint Commission: Facts about the preventing falls project. accessed 3/7/18
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