Back-End Integrations

Maintaining the highest level of care throughout the continuum requires numerous solutions working seamlessly together across the enterprise. Having those solutions integrated on the back end through a single partner means providers don’t have to build and maintain multiple technology integration points with multiple vendors. The result is improved outcomes and a better patient experience.

Monitor Patients Anytime, Anywhere with VirtualSitter

Effective interdisciplinary collaboration in healthcare

Round-the-clock monitoring for more proactive interventions and improved outcomes. Monitor up to 16 rooms at a time will improve patient observation through a custom-built solution. We can modify our technology to optimize workflows which should lead to cost savings, productivity, better quality of service and ease of use.

Virtual coordination of care so you can ensure proper follow up and easy access

You can add upto 16 rooms that you can monitor

Early intervention options for patients at risk for falls and to manage chronic disease

E – ICU monitoring to protect healthcare providers from the risk of infectious disease.

Virtual rounding and consultations that are designed for multiple patients to preserve supplies of PPE

Provider-Patient Portal

Single source for provider-patient engagement, messaging, and telehealth visits for streamlined workflows and a better patient experience. Designed with a quadruple aim in mind covering patient/provider satisfaction, patient adherence, better outcomes, and lower costs for the Healthcare systems. Vidyo provides multi modal video platform capabilities, on prem, hybrid or Saas, partnered with patient portal is an optimal end to end experience.

Manage the process, end to end for the perfect video conferencing experience

Validate documents, insurance, health cards in an automated process

Efficient scheduling, with the ability to engage family members

Enabling prioritizing patients that need critical care

Extending boundary of care and putting medical devices in patient homes

Effective interdisciplinary collaboration in healthcare

Medical Devices

Easy-to-use digital devices to support remote patient monitoring at home, in the field, or at other healthcare facilities.

Easy-to-use interfaces

Integration with industry adopted interface engines

Supports APIs with certain EMRs

Vast scalability

Supports at-home, ambulatory, urgent & emergent care, in-patient, and post-acute care

Data Analytics

Enterprise-wide reporting for more actionable insights and more informed decision-making.



Effective interdisciplinary collaboration in healthcare

Language Interpretation & Translation

Improved patient-provider communication for greater care plan adherence and an enhanced patient experience

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