Vidyo Healthcare Summit: LIT Highlights


our first session today is a session
that I’m super excited about this is our
little Eaters innovating telehealth and
our awards are really all about honoring
our customers and the great things that
you guys are doing to really change the
lives of others we looked at reducing
the number of unnecessary patient
transports keeping them in their medical
home and then also at the same time
streamlining our intake process so we
knew what patients we were getting and
where they would go to so where are we
now over 27 pediatric specialties
deliver a form of telemedicine in one
way shape or form we have well over 300
physicians trained and have done some
level of telehealth and telemedicine
visit so we’re very proud of that we’re
saving an enormous amount of money an
enormous amount of tax on our healthcare
system not to mention the things we
can’t measure quality of life issues
with a family who gets uprooted in the
middle of the night ends up three and a
half hours away in one of our EDS and
then turnaround because it was
completely unnecessary
our telehealth work is embedded in
everything that we do we have 125 130
different use cases of telemedicine lots
of breath not a lot of depth relative to
happening in multiple areas of the
hospital but it what we look at is a
little bit as like how it happens across
the day of the spectrum of a patient
stay in the hospital before they get
here do they need to be here and then
after they leave to make sure that if
they don’t need to be at the hospital
and can get care in the community at
their home that they stay in the
community and don’t have to come back
too soon and what we did in the year is
basically reduced the transfer rate by
more than 50% and so that alone
accounted for about four hundred and two
thousand dollars of ambulance rides and
then here’s your big takeaway this is
what people want to hear about every
single pathways save money and time by
using telemedicine give them the right
care at the right place at the right
time and reduce cost and increase access
we still have the same problem everybody
else has where our Eady’s are
overwhelmed with behavioral health
patients sometimes response time can
take 30 40 minutes to get on scene and
EMS just simply doesn’t have that time
they can’t tie up an ambulance sitting
there waiting 30 to 40 minutes just for
us to get there and then for us to start
our process to assess them and connect
them to care and so it was faster for
them to just throw that person in the
ambulance take them to a needy drop them
off get back in service for medical
emergencies until using video we’ve been
able to cut our response time from maybe
thirty to forty minutes to five minutes
and that’s been a huge time saver in our
area in this first five and a half
months we’ve gotten 316 calls we
expected the program to be successful
but not quite like this
it’s exciting time to be doing this kind
of work and I really feel like as we
talk about health care reform this is
what we’re talking about
okay three fantastic presentations I
thought and now it’s in your hands the
audience winner was Charleston
Dorchester mental health so
congratulations congratulations to you
and congratulations to you all
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