Mercy Video

This video demonstrates how remote patient monitoring is made easier using Vidyo. Learn how the sixth largest Catholic health system in the United States uses Vidyo’s video conferencing solution to centrally monitor critically ill patients at multiple hospital locations. With the integration of Philips® eCare Manager, Vidyo enables Mercy SafeWatch to provide around-the-clock telemedicine care with ease and reliability.

Automatic transcript:

we chose to do the ICU basically for
patient safety and a way to bridge our
resources we only had intensive us at
one hospital in our health system when
we started the e ICU so the only way we
could leverage that intensive is
coverage across every hospital was to do
the ICU program video has been extremely
helpful to us because we have to have a
technology that can can be utilized over
a low bandwidth we have to have a
technology that can be interfaced to our
systems which are disparate across our
health system this is a 24/7 monitoring
center that we monitor over 450 patients
across five states and 15 hospitals from
this one location I’m going to show you
directly what the e RN does and we are
going to look at the workstation and how
they work we are gonna camera in by the
small icon here and go directly to the
we will ring a doorbell to let them know
that we’re entering the room hello mr.
Smith how are you today
that’s great to hear this technology and
mercy safe watch or telling you allows
us to be the what the observers if you
will and we go in four times a day and
audit for whether all the things are
being done that need to be done we can
see everything in the room from the the
drips to the ventilator panel to the
patient and how the patient looks and
being on one platform with video were
able to then seamlessly go in whether I
am from the EIC perspective or whether
I’m a physician at a distance from a
telestroke perspective we’re all using
the same platform it’s one single way to
be able to connect to our patients at
any place across Mercy we’re able to
increase our footprint and care for a
significantly larger amount of patients
and allow them access to that degree of
patient care while still staying close
to home videos platform is offered
Mercy’s telehealth program many things
interoperability being able to work in
low bandwidth areas and really making it
easy to connect to a patient anywhere it
gives us mobile technology that I can
use it off my iPhone or Android and it
also gives me the ability to use an iPad
so I can place a physician anywhere most
of us have expertise in taking care of
patients and have little expertise in
technology so the simpler the better and
video clearly has made things simpler
the technology kind of falls away and
you’re the sitting there talking to a
patient talking to their family moving
the camera around to swing and talk to
the wife or the husband or the nurse in
the room it actually breaks down
barriers I think telemedicine allows us
to deliver this time-sensitive care to
many different facilities one physician
can deliver this acute care to many
different facilities thereby changing
the outcomes of these patients
I think Mercy’s been given a real
opportunity to to be on the forefront of
a new technology that 10 years from now
is going to be standard care

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